Eckell Sparks attorneys Chris Brown and Rachael Kemmey of the Estates and Trusts Department introduce the podcast and begin by discussing some basics regarding the Pennsylvania intestacy laws, specifically regarding what happens if you die without a Will. Our lawyers welcome anybody who is looking to learn more about estate law to tune in. In this episode of Inherited Wisdom, titled Where there is no Will there is STILL a Way, attorneys Brown and Kemmey discuss intestacy in Pennsylvania and an individual’s options for getting the most out of their will.
Follow this link to listen to the podcast: Episode 1 – Where there is no Will there is STILL a Way
If you wish to know more about how the Media wills and estates lawyers at Eckell, Sparks, Levy, Auerbach, Monte, Sloane, Matthews & Auslander, P.C. can help you plan for your and your family’s future, contact us online or call our offices at 610-565-3701.