
What Do I Bring to My Initial Car Accident Consultation?

November 23, 2023
Contact a Delaware County Car Accident Lawyer at Eckell Sparks for a Confidential Consultation

An initial car accident consultation is the first step of a legal process that, if successful, could get you compensation. It is essential to bring the right information because the attorney needs all the available documents to provide the best advice.

Bring Everything You Have Related to the Accident

You should bring a copy of the accident report and photos taken at the scene. You will also want your vehicle’s insurance information, including a copy of the declarations page.

Bring the other driver’s insurance and registration if you have it. If you spoke to any eyewitness at the accident, have their contact information and any notes you took when speaking with them. If you have an accident journal, bring that as well.

Have Your Medical Records Ready

Medical records are also important, so organize yours and include everything from the initial diagnosis and treatment plan to the last invoice and payment receipt. Anything might be helpful, so have copies of X-rays, mileage reports to therapy appointments, and gas station receipts.

Document and Bring Information About Lost Wages

Car accident survivors are often unable to return to work temporarily or permanently when they have severe or minor injuries. Have your job description ready, with a list of dates and times when you could not work after the crash. Copies of previous paystubs and W-2 forms can also serve as evidence.

Be Honest at Your Consultation

The above information will get you off to a good start, and the car accident lawyer may request other documents. If you decide to work with them, they will investigate other evidence and may enlist experts to help your case.

Being honest during your consultation is vital because withholding or falsifying information can compromise your case.

Contact a Delaware County Car Accident Lawyer at Eckell Sparks for a Confidential Consultation

We appreciate it when potential clients are thoroughly prepared at their initial consultation, which forms a solid foundation for a strong working relationship. If you were involved in a car accident and need legal guidance, contact a knowledgeable Delaware County car accident lawyer at Eckell, Sparks, Levy, Auerbach, Monte, Sloane, Matthews & Auslander, P.C. Located in Media and West Chester, Pennsylvania, we proudly serve clients in Delaware County, Chester County, and Montgomery County. Call us at 610-565-3701 or complete our online form to schedule an initial consultation.