

Types of Injuries Children Experience in Car Accidents

October 30, 2023

Besides ensuring that children are in the right kinds of car seats and buckling them up, it is essential to check to see that they have not become unbuckled at any point during the drive. Children are susceptible to specific injuries in a car accident. The human spine does not complete its development until…

What Is Considered Abandonment in Divorce?

October 23, 2023

Pennsylvania recognized both no-fault and fault-based divorces.  No-fault divorces are generally based on the grounds of “irreconcilable differences.”  Fault-based divorces, however, must have legally recognized grounds such as adultery or cruel treatment.  Abandonment is also considered grounds for a fault divorce.  However, the concept of abandonment can be complex. In Pennsylvania, abandonment must be…

Does Driving While Sick Put You at Risk for a Car Accident?

October 20, 2023

Driving while sick is a common but often underestimated risk with severe consequences. When you are unwell, your physical and mental abilities are compromised, making you less alert and more prone to errors on the road. Driving while sick is dangerous and can adversely affect your health and the safety of others, and you…

How Should I Handle a Hit-and-Run Accident?

October 16, 2023

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety claims that over 10 percent of automobile crashes reported to law enforcement are hit-and-run accidents. There are vital steps after any motor vehicle collision, but handling a hit-and-run accident can be more complicated. Check for Injuries Whether or not you or any passengers are experiencing pain, check everyone…

Who Does a Special Needs Trust Benefit?

October 12, 2023

Caring for a loved one who is physically or mentally disabled or has special needs can be rewarding and challenging.  Pennsylvania families must provide for their special needs family members while safeguarding their right to essential government benefits.  A special needs trust (SNT) is designed to address this challenge.  A trust is a fiduciary…

Do Car Accidents Increase During Football Season?

October 10, 2023

In the fall, fans look forward to football season and enjoy watching the games and celebrating victory with friends and family. The flip side to watch out for is the increased number of car accidents during this time. Sports fans often consume excessive alcohol before, during, and after football games. A University of Minnesota…

What Are the Emotional Effects of a Car Accident?

October 3, 2023

The emotional effects of a car accident can often be overlooked because the symptoms are not visible; they do not appear on X-rays and other medical imaging tests. These issues typically get less attention than physical ones because of the immediate need to attend to broken bones, wounds, burns, and other traumatic injuries. Car…

Can Car Accidents Cause Heart Attacks?

September 29, 2023

Car accidents often cause severe trauma to drivers and passengers, but this does not only refer to broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, lacerations, and burns. It is not unusual for those involved to experience life-threatening heart attacks. The heart’s upper and lower chambers move blood throughout the body, but when misaligned, the heart does…

Can it Be Proven That I Was Using My Cell Phone During an Accident?

September 21, 2023

Law enforcement officers cannot search personal property without warrants. They cannot search inside vehicles unless probable cause leads them to believe someone has contraband inside. This does not apply to cell phones, however. If you get arrested, and the phone is seized, they are not permitted to search it. Cell phones can only be…