
Should I Pursue Legal Action If I Slip and Fall on Ice in PA?

February 28, 2019

West Chester Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers discuss pursuing legal action in Pennsylvania for a slip and fall accident on ice. Pennsylvania winters bring snarled traffic, school delays, and snowy sidewalks and roads for pedestrians to navigate. Unfortunately, even with proper care and caution, people slip and fall on icy surfaces resulting in serious injuries. Winter brings regular calls to law offices with the frequent question: should I pursue legal action for my slip and fall injury?

Duty of Care

Pennsylvania property and business owners have a legal responsibility to maintain reasonable care and that includes keeping walkways and pedestrian areas free of ice and snow. Reasonable care does not mean that in a major snowstorm, the property owner is expected to clear the snow as it falls, but rather to clear and make it safe within a reasonable timeframe. If the owner lets snow accumulate while people are using the property, they may be found responsible for the hazard. If the property or business owner has not removed the snow, but rather used salt products, or blocked off areas where snow has been shoveled, they can be found to have not exercised enough reasonable care for visitors.

Pedestrians have a duty as well to use reasonable care and caution. If a risk is visible, a pedestrian choosing to try to walk on the surface can be found careless and negligent. This can remove the property owner’s liability for an accident.

Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall cases can cause both minor and major injury. Fractures, head injuries, lacerations, and back and spine conditions can all be the result of a fall. Some may not be immediately apparent. Back and neck injuries have long-term effects that can present themselves after the fact. The cost of medical care is also something that should not be a factor in seeking treatment. If someone is injured due to the potential fault of another party, they should not have the added worry of how they will pay out of pocket for necessary medical care.

Documenting a slip and fall accident as soon as possible is recommended. The first need will be to determine the seriousness of the accident and obtain a medical assessment and treatment. Smartphone cameras can make it simple to document for those able to do so at the accident site. Take note of and photograph any hazards, the location where the fall occurred, and the time and weather conditions. This information can help the victim and attorney prove liability for the fall and hold those responsible to account.

West Chester Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers at Eckell Sparks Advocate for Victims Injured in Slip and Fall Accidents

If you slip on ice on someone’s property, the West Chester slip and fall accident lawyers at Eckell, Sparks, Levy, Auerbach, Monte, Sloane, Matthews & Auslander, P.C. are experienced in representing victims and securing the care and compensation you need to recover. Located in Media and West Chester, Pennsylvania, we serve clients from the surrounding areas, including Delaware County, Chester County, and Montgomery County. Please contact us through our online form or call 610-565-3701 today for a free consultation.