
Who is Liable for a Chain Reaction Accident?

October 4, 2019

Determining fault in a two-car accident can be tough enough, but in a chain reaction crash, it can be a nightmare to unravel who was negligent and caused the event. Every chain reaction is a unique occurrence, so figuring out what happened may take investigative legwork. Sometimes, several people may share the liability. Chain reaction accidents make up about 15 percent of fatal crashes. However, not everyone suffers fatal injuries during this type of collision. Plenty of victims end up suffering a variety of injuries, yet having insurance cover medical costs can be difficult because of the various factors that contribute to a chain reaction crash.

Chain Reaction Contributing Factors

Chain reactions happen for countless reasons. Still, some occur because of common problems. The first problem is that a driver is speeding. The driver weaves in and out of traffic, eventually hitting one car that hits another, which starts a pile-up. Tailgating is related to speeding because it makes it hard for other drivers to avoid collisions.

Distracted driving, which is anything that takes attention from operating the vehicle safely, can be another chain reaction cause. If police determine that a driver involved in a chain reaction was distracted by trying to pick up something that had fallen on the front passenger floor, that driver could primarily be held at-fault. Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of legal, over the counter, or prescribed drugs can also lead to chain reaction accidents.

Not all chain reaction incidents are caused by people. A chain reaction can be caused by an animal, such as if a deer jumps across the road or if a heavy box falls off a truck and causes cars to swerve. Weather can even be a contributing cause of chain reactions. Many pileups occur on icy or wet highways.

What to Do After a Chain Reaction Accident

Drivers involved in a chain reaction should follow the same protocol they would if they had been involved in a two-car crash. After getting to safety, they should alert the authorities to the crash. If no one is severely hurt, drivers should begin exchanging insurance and personal information. They may take photographs or ask witnesses to stay to tell their side of the story to the police.

When the police arrive, drivers can expect to explain what happened from their point of view. Honesty is the only policy when describing a car accident event, including a chain reaction. Drivers should also contact a car accident lawyer to discuss their case. By speaking with an attorney before speaking to an insurance representative, they may put themselves in a stronger position than if they tried to file a claim without help.

Delaware County Car Accident Lawyers at Eckell Sparks Help Victims of Chain Reaction Accidents

If you were injured in a chain reaction incident, call the Delaware County car accident lawyers at Eckell, Sparks, Levy, Auerbach, Monte, Sloane, Matthews & Auslander, P.C. today. For a free consultation, call us at 610-565-3701 or fill out an online form. Located in Media and West Chester, Pennsylvania, we serve clients throughout Delaware County, Chester County, and Montgomery County.