
School Bus Safety

October 22, 2019

Students taking the school bus are more than likely in safe hands. However, there are a handful of students who are killed each year while entering or exiting the bus. Therefore, students should learn school bus safety techniques. Ultimately, teaching students how to practice caution while taking the bus keeps themselves and others safe.

Practicing Caution While Waiting for the Bus

Parents have a responsibility to teach their child how to wait at the bus stop safely. Students should be taught to stay at least six feet away from the curb while waiting for the bus. When the bus arrives, students should not enter until it has made a complete stop. Young students might feel inclined to run or play with their friends while waiting for the school bus. However, parents should teach their child to remain calm. Students should know to never run in the street while waiting at the bus stop.

Older students who walk to the bus stop by themselves should know not to talk to strangers. Similarly, they should know the route to the bus stop and check in with an adult once they reach the location. At the start of the school year, parents should walk with their child to ensure that they know the route.

Staying Safe While on the Bus

While riding the bus, students should always remain seated, keep their seat belt on, and face forward. In case of an emergency, students should remove any school bags from the aisle. Students should be taught to always listen to directions given by the bus driver.

Being Alert While Getting Off the Bus

When getting off the bus, students should remain alert and cautious, and stay about 10 feet away from the bus. Keeping a safe distance will allow the bus driver to see the student, which will prevent them from driving away before the student reaches the sidewalk. Before crossing the street, the student should look both ways. This is to avoid the disastrous consequences that would occur from a driver unlawfully passing the school bus. When a student looks both ways, it prevents them from being struck by an oncoming vehicle.

If the student is walking home from the bus stop, they should stay alert by avoiding distractions, such as listening to music or texting while walking. Doing these behaviors puts them in a dangerous situation. If possible, the student should walk home with a friend or guardian.

Delaware County Personal Injury Lawyers at Eckell Sparks Advocate for Victims of School Bus Accidents

If you or a loved one was the victim of a school bus accident, please consider contacting a Delaware County personal injury lawyer at Eckell, Sparks, Levy, Auerbach, Monte, Sloane, Matthews & Auslander, P.C. Our lawyers work tirelessly to ensure that victims obtain the best possible legal outcomes. If you are interested in speaking to one of our lawyers, contact us online or call us at 610-565-3701 for a free consultation. With offices located in Media and West Chester, Pennsylvania, we proudly serve clients throughout the state, including Delaware County, Chester County, and Montgomery County.